Thursday 26 May 2016

Algeria: Online harassment on the rise

International laws agree on the classification of online harassment as a cybercrime that deserves to be punished even though the type of punishment varies from one law to another. Most developed countries agree technically and electronically on considering this kind of crime as deviant behavior and have implemented procedures and laws criminalizing harassers who are using the internet as a tool to bother others. The situation is still blurred in the Arab world in general and Algeria in particular from a cultural and legislative point of view.

Online harassment is a phenomenon that emerged with the development of electronic means of communication and increased with the advent of social media. Online harassment is the use of electronic media and the internet in intentionally disturbing others individually or collectively in several forms: as persecution, defamation, or sending messages that disturb the receiver, whether the message content is sexual or inappropriate, contains insults, pictures of the person published without his knowledge, threats or blackmail, spyware or abusive tracking, defamatory comments through various electronic means, or if it impersonates his identity on social media.

According to IT news Africa website statistics, Algeria took the fifth position in Africa in using Facebook, where males from 18 to 24 years old are the majority, with a rate of 68% compared to 32% of females(1). Web use in Algeria is so extensive that it has become an active component of citizenship, which is what concerns international organizations and e-crimes companies, as some reports revealed that Algeria is one of the top Arab and African countries for cybercrime.

Thus, many Algerian jurists say that the Algerian legislature protects individual freedom through several legal articles in the penal code. As Ben Attaf Bashir explained “electronic crime today is more sophisticated than the legislation itself, and technological development compels us to enact new laws for the protection of individual privacy on the internet.” He added, “The fact that some internet users leave many personal details about their personal lives on social media makes it easier for hackers to carry out their crimes smoothly.”

Algerian lawyer Fatima ben Brahem says that Algeria is still behind in terms of laws and programs to combat online harassment. “We still have not reached a high level of technological development that enables us to measure online crime and limit it by a defined law”.

The lawyer added that Algerian courts often do not take into account crimes related to technology because of the absence of a formal proof of the perpetrators, especially when it is about “talk” in online calling, as it is classified as intention to do the crime and not as a proof of the crime despite several cases of electronic harassment that were registered by Algerian citizens.

The Algerian lawyer said that several complaints have been received about threats and insults but courts did not consider the cases because Algeria doesn’t have a law that allows lawyers to refer to talking on the phone to verify information. The call is not proof in itself; it is just the means and to turn it into a proof we have to listen to the dialogue registered between the sender and the receiver. This technique is so far limited only to the organ of national defense and we as lawyers we cannot have access to them, so we cannot take this kind of crime cases.

Algeria still behind in term of technology use. The West is not using paper anymore, and is satisfied in using technology (applications, e-banking, and so on…) for everything. However, in Algeria, electronic paper has yet to be accepted. If you have to get a document from the municipality it has to have a stamp in red ink. This is silly - how is it possible to stop cybercrime in this situation? The issue is primarily technological and needs intensive efforts by a multi-stakeholders in the IT field with the help of other national bodies. We have to spread awareness about electronic culture first, as cybercrime is touching everybody and it is an issue for everyone, not only judges and lawyers.

Rim Hayat Chaif, Algerian Journalist and Blogger


ظاهرة التحرش الالكتروني في الجزائر

تختلف القوانين الدولية حول فرض عقوبات على المتحرشين الكترونيا ولكنها تتفق على تصنيف هذا الفعل كجريمة الكترونية القائم بها يستحق العقاب حين بان الضرر وبانت اركان الجريمة. وقد اتفقت اغلب الدول المتقدمة تقنيا والكترونيا على اعتبار هذا النمط من الجريمة بالسلوك المنحرف و اتخذت قوانين وإجراءات تجرم المتحرشين من الذين اتخذوا من الانترنت وسيلة لمعاكسة الاخرين، بينما لاتزال الصورة مشوشة في عالمنا العربي عموما وفي الجزائر خصوصا تنظيما وثقافة.

ان التحرش الالكتروني ظهرت مع تطور وسائل الاتصال الالكترونية و زادت نسبتها مع ظهور وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي و تعرف هذه الظاهرة على انها استخدام الوسائل الالكترونية والانترنت في ازعاج الاخرين بصفة فردية او جماعية في شكل متعمد وتتمثل في عدة اشكال كملاحقة الاخرين أو التشهير بهم او ارسال مواد تزعج المتلقي سوآءا كانت تلميحا الى الرغبة بالتعرف على المتلقي لأهداف جنسية او كانت تحتوى على عبارات غير لائقة أو شتائم أو نشر صور الشخص دون علمه و موافقته أو التهديد و الابتزاز أو الملاحقة و التجسس أو التتبع بالتعليقات المسيئة أو التشهير بالضحية عبر وسائل الكترونية مختلفة او انتحال شخصيته او انتحال الحسابات على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. حسب احصائيات موقع IT news Africa فإن الجزائر تحتل المرتبة الخامسة في افريقيا من خلال استعمال الفايسبوك بحيث ان 68 بالمئة من المستخدمين هم ذكور بين 18 و 24 سنة ، مقابل 32 بالمئة اناث.

وبقدر ما تفاعل المواطن الجزائري مع استخدام الشبكة العنكبوتية بقدر ما تحول الى عنصر فعال من أعضائها حيث أضحت الجزائر من بين الاهتمامات في قوائم وتقارير المنظمات والهيئات الدولية حول الجرائم الالكترونية بحيث كشفت بعض التقارير بأن الجزائر تحتل المراتب الأول عربيا وافريقيا بنسبة 85 بالمئة في مجال القرصنة الالكترونية.

هذا و اكد عدد من رجال القانون الجزائريين بأن المشرع الجزائري يحمي الحريات الفردية عبر عدة مواد قانونية من قانون العقوبات، كما وضح الأستاذ بن عطاف بشير أن الجرائم الالكترونية هي اليوم اكثر تطورا من التشريع في حد ذاته و ان التطورات التكنولوجية تفرض علينا سن قوانين جديدة تواكب هذه التطورات لحماية خصوصية الافراد و يضيف المحامي بأن نشر بعض مستخدمي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تفاصيل حياتهم الشخصية من تحديد تواريخ واماكن تواجدهم عن حسن نية تسهل للصوص الافتراضيين أو على ارض الواقع للقيام بجرائمهم بيسر كبير. ومن جهتها تقول المحامية فاطمة الزهراء بن براهم بأن الجزائر لازالت متأخرة من حيث القوانين والبرامج لمكافحة ظاهرة التحرش الالكتروني، وهذا لأننا لا زلنا لم نصل الى هذا القدر من التطور التكنولوجي الذي يمكننا من حصر الجريمة وقياسها.

وتضيف المحامية بان المحاكم الجزائرية في كثير من الاحيان لا تأخذ بعين الاعتبار كل قضية لها علاقة بالتكنولوجيا لغياب إثباتات رسمية ضد الجناة. خاصة عندما يكون الامر مجرد أحاديث إذ يتم تصنيفه في قائمة النية عند القانونيين وليس بالفعل الحقيقي وبالتالي ليس بالحجة الملموسة وهذا بالرغم من تسجيل عدة حالات من التحرش الالكتروني من قبل المواطنين عند مصالح الأمن.

وتقول المحامية أنه تم تلقي عدة شكاوى تتعلق بالشتم السب التهديد لكنها في كثير من الاحيان لا تؤخذ بعين الاعتبار في المحاكم لأنه ليس لدينا قانون يسمح لنا بالرجوع الى الهاتف للتأكد من المعلومة. لان المكالمة ليست دليلا بحد ذاته بل هي وسيلة ولتحويلها الى دليل يجب معرفة ما دار من حوار بين المرسل والمستقبل وفي الجزائر هذه التقنيات ما زالت لحد الان مقتصرة على أجهزة الدفاع الوطني فقط ولا يمكننا كمحامين الحصول عليها.

كما ان الجزائر لازالت ضعيفة ومتأخرة الكترونيا، فالغرب صار لا يستعمل الورق وصاروا يكتفون بالملفات الالكترونية فقط اما في الجزائر فالملفات الالكترونية لا تأخذ بعين الاعتبار اصلا والى حد اليوم عندما تطلب منك احضار وثيقة من البلدية يجب ان يكون بها طابع بالحبر الأحمر وهذا الامر صار سخيفا جدا فكيف من الممكن أن حدا للجريمة الالكترونية في هذه الوضعية الحالية. فالقضية تقنية بالدرجة الأولى وتحتاج الى جهود مكثفة ومشتركة من قبل الفاعلين ومختلف الأجهزة الوطنية. فعلينا ان نشبع بالثقافة الالكترونية أولا فالجريمة الالكترونية هي قضية الجميع وليست فقط قضية قضاة ومحامين.

ريم حياة شايف، صحفية ومدونة جزائرية

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Myanmar Knows Not to Censor. Do You?

Myanmar, Burma, Hate Speech, Panzagar, Nay Phone Latt, No-Hate Speech Project, SumRando Cybersecurity, VPN, Messenger Democratic reforms in a country previously under repressive military rule are typically viewed in a positive light, but what happens when bad comes with good?

Such is the dilemma faced by Myanmar today, a country that has seen the lifting of harsh censorship laws coupled with increased access to the internet lead to a proliferation of hate speech, especially that targeted towards the Rohingya and other Muslims in this majority Buddhist nation.

A country that has recently experienced the detrimental effects of censorship knows not to simply return to silencing its citizens as a solution. Instead, Myanmar has found its answer in a clever alternative: dialogue.

Since 2014, Panzagar (“Flower Speech”) has empowered Myanmar’s Facebook users to respond to harmful language with friendly stickers that offer comments such as “Think before you share” and “Don’t spread the hate, alright?” The project was founded by blogger Nay Phone Latt who was jailed in 2007 for sharing information regarding anti-government protesting and released 5 years later.

Ever the free speech advocate, Nay Phone Latt previously reported, “I don’t want to ask the government to control hate speech because if they control the hate speech, they will want to control all [opinions]. So it can harm freedom of expression. I prefer to monitor hate speech and report about that than limiting it through law.”

More recently, the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) has joined the effort to counter hate speech with a year-long project aimed at promoting tolerance by monitoring public comments, engaging with contributors of misinformation and sharing its findings. The No-Hate Speech Project maintains a commitment to both challenging hate speech and defending freedom of expression.

Noted IWPR Asia Director Alan Davis, “The essential challenge facing Burma is how to protect and defend things without going on the offensive and attacking and inciting violence against others. Consequently, our project is all about our belief that the more information and education and debate is encouraged and shared respectfully, the more we can all reduce the influence and impact of hate speech.

“The training emphasized that we stand against any forms of censorship and that the views of nationalist Buddhist groups like Ma Ba Tha and the activist monk Wirathu have a full right to be heard—and we will even seek to try and engage with them as part of this project. If the anti-Muslim hate speech of Ma Ba Tha comes from a fear of the future and a belief in the need to protect Buddhist Bamar culture, identity and traditions, let us get it all out in the open to discuss it fairly and respectfully.”

A world often afraid of its citizen’s voices has much to learn from the approaches taken by Panzagar and IWPR in Myanmar. Freedom of speech—especially following years of silence—can be messy, ugly and uncomfortable for all, but it is the dialogue that it brings that is absolutely necessary to achieve a lasting peace.

Censorship is not the answer.

SumRando Cybersecurity is a Mauritius-based VPN, Web Proxy and Secure Messenger provider. Surf secure and stay Rando!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Report Lists 91 Countries Requesting Facebook Account Data and Content Restrictions

Have you seen your Facebook page lately? The photos from your best friend’s wedding, where you were last night and even your phone number?

Facebook routinely grants government requests to access private pages and restricts content based on local laws. The social networking site recently released a breakdown of all activity worldwide from July to December 2015. Highlights include:

Facebook, privacy, censorship, WhatsApp, SumRando Cybersecurity
[Source: Keri J]

United States (19,235)
India (5,561)
United Kingdom (4,190)
Germany (3,140)
France (2,711)
Brazil (1,655)
Italy (1,525)
Argentina (892)
Australia (802)
Poland (611)

United States (30,041)
India (7,018)
United Kingdom (5,478)
Germany (3,628)
France (2,894)
Brazil (2,673)
Italy (2,598)
Argentina (1,047)
Spain (947)
Australia (846)

Nigeria (100%)
Croatia (90.91%)
Sweden (87.31%)
Turkey (84.20%)
United Kingdom (82.15%)
Serbia (81.48%)
United States (81.41%)
Albania (80.00%)
United Arab Emirates (80.00%)
Canada (79.63%)

France (37,695)
India (14,971)
Turkey (2,078)
Germany (366)
Israel (236)
Austria (231)
United Kingdom (97)
Russia (56)
Brazil (34)
Kazakhstan (25)

The complete listing of all 91 countries with user data requests and content restrictions in the second half of 2015 can be found at, along with all reports dating back to 2013.

According to Facebook, government requests typically are prompted by criminal investigations and ask for basic subscriber information including name, registration date and length of service; account content; and/or IP address logs. Content restrictions occur when governments ask Facebook to remove content that would not be allowed under local law.

So, the next time you’re on Facebook (or even the Facebook-owned, metadata collecting WhatsApp), make sure that everything there is information you would be willing to share with your government. After all, sometimes even the most innocent of “criminals” can find themselves under government surveillance.

SumRando Cybersecurity is a Mauritius-based VPN, Web Proxy and Secure Messenger provider. Surf secure and stay Rando!

Friday 6 May 2016

World Press Freedom Day 2016 Highlights What Journalism Needs

World Press Freedom Day 2016, journalism, encryption, legislation, SumRando VPN, SumRando Messenger
[Source: Mstyslav Chernov]
We need good journalists.

Those four words, shared by Finland Prime Minister Juha Sipila, summarize two days of keynote addresses and plenary sessions at this year’s World Press Freedom Day celebration in Helsinki.

Each year the event serves as an opportunity to promote a free and open press; to acknowledge the ways in which it is not; and to recognize those journalists whose lives have been lost. This year, a host of speakers and panelists from around the world offered insight regarding the current state of press freedom that does not always make it into mainstream media:

Policies and laws that prohibit encryption and weaken digital security tools will only threaten the safety of journalists. Good journalism relies on the ability to keep sources, research and whistleblowers confidential. Encryption is a necessity, not an option.

Western technologies and laws currently have the power to negatively impact the safety and security of journalists elsewhere. According to European Parliament member Marietje Schaake, surveillance technologies developed in Europe under the assumption of certain rules and regulations are frequently exported to countries where a lack of rule of law only enables the targeting and surveillance of journalists.  

There is a need to pass and better implement protective legislation.
Only 108 countries today have right to information laws. The last 25 years have seen an increase in legislation in countries beyond the Western world, yet implementation of such legislation remains problematic everywhere. Edetaen Ojo, executive director of Nigeria’s Media Rights Agenda, noted that laws in Africa are frequently adopted as a condition of receiving aid and therefore often exist in theory rather than in practice.

Journalism everywhere would benefit from more in-country trainings. The success and livelihood of journalists depend upon understanding one’s rights. Given that laws and policies can vary widely from country to country, state to state and region to region and also that many governments take it upon themselves to block the very information that would be most useful, in-person trainings provide a much-needed space for journalists to receive and share information and methods, argued Neela Banerjee, a journalist with Inside Climate News. Speakers at Wednesday’s “Promoting Freedom of Expression in the Arab Region” seminar expressed a further need for training in countries such as Syria, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon and South Sudan, where a lack of education combined with access to social media has contributed to the use of hate speech and the incitement of violence.

Public perception of the persecution of journalists must change. Christiane Amanpour, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Freedom of Expression and Journalist Safety, pointed out that in the majority of countries where journalists are imprisoned, the average citizen believes such punishment is just and deserved. A change in repressive government treatment of journalists will only come when non-journalist citizens believe that participating in a free and open media is not a crime.

For individuals accustomed to dictatorship, learning to freely express oneself takes time. Change is possible, but it cannot be expected to happen immediately, noted Albana Shala, chair of UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication. In sharing her own experience of transitioning from living under dictatorship in Albania to democracy in the Netherlands, she said: “I’ve learned to use my right for freedom of expression and to seek information. For people who have been living in a dictatorship, it takes time for them to learn to how to breathe freely, how to speak freely, how to think freely. That is also reflected sometimes in the way we do things in life. For example, instead of seeking information through the front door, going through the back door, or instead of talking directly, talking indirectly because of the fear of being persecuted. These are things that stay with us, and these are rights that we are born with, but we are not aware of. And that is the state of the world.”

The world needs good journalists. As World Press Freedom Day 2016 concludes, let’s remember that freedom of expression and journalism trainings—not censorship—will produce the journalists that the world so desperately needs.

SumRando Cybersecurity is a Mauritius-based VPN, Web Proxy and Secure Messenger provider. Surf secure and stay Rando!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

It’s a Vulnerable World: April 2016

It's a Vulnerable World, Vulnerability, SumRando VPN, SumRando Secure Messenger
If 2015 was the year the world became aware of just how dangerous cyber breaches can be, this past month proved that there is still work to be done in terms of prevention. Not only did an attack in the Philippines make last year’s OPM breach of 20 million personal records look like a minor leak, but governments have continued to fight against the one technology that keeps us all safe: encryption.

Philippine voters: If you thought the data breach of the United States Office of Personnel Management was bad, now there has been an attack more than twice its size: the personal information of 55 million registered voters in the Philippines was leaked in a recent hack of the Philippine Commission on Elections database.

China’s Great Firewall: Even the father of China’s Firewall knows that sometimes the best form of censorship is no censorship at all: during a recent talk at Harbin Institute of Technology, Fang Binxing turned to a VPN to access a website that otherwise would have been inaccessible.

WhatsApp spam filters and antivirus protection: WhatsApp just became more secure with the addition of end-to-end encryption. However, this added layer of protection also means that no filter will be available to stop spam messages or malicious links from landing in your inbox.

Blackberry Messenger: Vice News recently reported that Canada’s federal government accessed more than one million encrypted BlackBerry messages during a 2010-2012 investigation. What remains unclear is whether the master encryption key has since been changed, and to what extent the Canadian government continues to intercept messages.

Internet of Things: Beware of the latest advancements in cars, refrigerators and thermostats: Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Stuart Madnick warned that the Internet of Things has grown no safer, despite its burgeoning popularity: “Part of the issue is the IoTs are so new, and there are so many challenges for the good guys in terms of trying to get them to work at all, that thinking really hard about cybersecurity is extremely difficult to factor into that.”

Kenyan government: Hacktivist group Anonymous has leaked data, including sensitive emails and letters, from the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs database. The act is a form of protest against the Kenyan government’s “corruption, child abuse and child labor."

Corporate offices: First there was phishing and now there is whaling. Increasingly, hackers are posing as corporate executives in order to ask employees to transfer money and send secure documents. Steve Malone of Mimecast reported on just how hard these threats are to detect: “There’s no way to spy that as bad. The content is human-written so a spam filter won’t pick it up and it’s hard to detect because there are no links or attachments.”

Hospital health records: Electronic health records have become yet another target for ransomware, largely because hospitals frequently lack the financial resources and cyber-awareness needed to guard against such attacks.

United States government employees: Not only did the FBI successfully unlock the much-scrutinized San Bernardino iPhone without Apple’s help, but Chinese hackers thanked the bureau for doing so. Fruit baskets, flowers and chocolates were delivered to United States government employees out of gratitude for making the world less secure: “Actually, the baskets and flowers that are coming into the office, those are pretty nice. I mean, yeah, what they symbolize is not great, but say what you will about semi-state-sanctioned hacking outfits in China, they really do have excellent taste in gift baskets. It’s the baskets that came directly to my house that were addressed to my wife and kids. Those were creepy, especially because they were so on point,” reported one gift recipient. 
Encryption: A discussion draft of the United States’ Compliance with Court Orders Act of 2016 argues that, “To uphold both the rule of law and protect the interests and security of the United States, all persons receiving an authorized judicial order for information or data must provide, in a timely manner, responsive, intelligible information or data, or appropriate technical assistance to obtain such information or data.” In other words, if this Feinstein-Burr bill passes, companies will be required to break their own encryption.
 Surf secure and stay Rando!

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SumRando Cybersecurity is a Mauritius-based VPN, Web Proxy and Secure Messenger provider.